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Looking for a new home

Here we introduce our animals for adoption. Once taken in and nursed back to health by us, they are looking forward to a loving new home. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us.

Tomcat Pedro

Arrived at the Franziskus animal shelter

Age: 12 months

Gender Male

Size: regular

Color: Black

Health: OK

Mediation: from now on in Francis Animal Shelter Hamburg

Pedro's story begins sadly and continues with hope. His story is that of a tomcat on our farm. He came back from his daily tour of discovery and could no longer move from the lower half of his spine. A sight we will never forget. Our station is so isolated in nature and we could only guess what had happened. He was immediately given medical treatment and admitted to hospital. He then returned to the farm and was able to move easily and walk short distances. His digestive system was not yet completely back to normal. With your support and donations we were able to continue to provide Pedro with medical care, as further treatment was very expensive. Apparently Pedro had a guardian angel.
Now Pedro is in Hamburg for adoption in Francis Animal Shelter We are very happy that he now has the chance to be adopted into a great home. Good luck, brave Pedro.

Baby Blue


Age: 12 months

Gender Female

Size: high

Colour blue

Health: in progress

Mediation: hopefully soon

As you would expect from a greyhound, she is an incredibly sweet and friendly creature. The first visit to the vet was of course imminent and at least her blood values are okay for now. We are so happy that she is here and, as with every one of our residents, we will do everything in our power.
A warm welcome Baby Blue💚🇮🇪🐾
Baby Blue came to us directly from her breeder/trainer. The Greyhound Board, with whom we have worked for many years and do many educational projects, called us and told us about Baby Blue. She is only 5 months old, still a real baby and extremely underdeveloped in almost everything. In addition, it has a so-called parrot mouth, meaning the upper jaw is significantly longer than the lower jaw. It will probably be a longer journey with her until she is at the level she should be according to her age.

The sad life of farm dogs

Unfortunately, Irish farmers' sheepdogs and herding dogs often do not receive good care and some of them live in conditions that are contrary to animal welfare. They lead a dreary life on the chain and are not cared for, let alone given medical care. Many of these mistreated farm dogs end up with us, where we foster them and then hopefully pass them on to more loving owners.

IRISH FARM OF HOPE - County Galway Western Ireland
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