All donation options at a glance.
Since we are only a very small rescue center, we urgently need donations to be able to carry out our animal welfare work in Ireland. As described several times on our site, many of the animals we rescue are in a desperate condition, meaning they usually require intensive medical care. That's why we have set up a variety of options with which you can support us.
We have launched a crowdfunding campaign to cover our veterinary costs. Betterplace is a safe way to donate directly to our vet costs. With just a click of the mouse you can send us your donation via our donation appeal at
Our donation account
We can issue you a receipt for the donation amount and send it to you by email. For this we need Be sure to include the note and email address in the intended use.
Thank you for your support.
Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: “Donation – Irish Farm of Hope”
Online donation
Teaming with just €1/month
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For example, a donkey can be fed for 5 days with a hay bale donation. We also provide hay to 4-6 herds of wild horses that live near our rescue station. Winter is approaching and is the harshest and most life-threatening time of the year for these animals. We would be very happy about hay donations or hay sponsorships. Thank you for your support.
Hay donation
With a hay bale donation you ensure basic supplies for many animals on our farm.