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with a sponsorship for a specific animal.

With sponsorships you show ongoing care for a specific animal on our farm. It serves the well-being of the animal and supports the Irish Farm of Hope. With an animal sponsorship you support the keeping and care of your favorite animal that is particularly close to your heart, meaning the money is used exclusively for the welfare of the animals (food, medication, equipment). You can give up the sponsorship at any time.

Sweet & Sweeter

Our latest additions are these two sweet kittens.
Their story is unfortunately very typical of life in the Irish countryside. A man was walking his dog and luckily he smelled these two kittens and found them lying in an abandoned driveway. Their dark fur was difficult to spot, as a tractor with its large treads had just made the road muddy. It is probably only thanks to the dog's good nose that the little ones were found. Otherwise they would have been run over by the tractor on the way back.
After careful examination, no other siblings or mother were found.
The mother must have tried to bring the little ones to safety when suddenly people appeared there...
The two came to us through a cat-loving friend. They are 2.5 weeks old and fit for their age and history. We would of course be happy to receive support in caring for these two sweethearts so that they can grow healthy, big and strong and then hopefully find a nice home. Thank you very much!

July 22 – the cats are developing well, but still need help and medical care

Sponsorship for Bumblebee

Personal Info

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Donation Total: 100€


The first photo shows Bumblebee shortly after her saving operation. As a young cat she was hit and thrown into the gutter. Seriously injured, she probably lay there for several days and no one helped.

A woman and her young daughter found Bumblebee and realized she wasn't dead. The two ran from house to house with the still seriously injured Bumblebee to ask if anyone owned this cat. Of course, this wasn't the case - "No, it doesn't belong to anyone, it's been there for a few days." Nobody felt responsible for it.

Luckily, Bumblebee came to the clinic and her front leg had to be amputated due to the serious injuries. Bumblebee has been with us ever since and is just an absolute sweetheart who is particularly close friends with all of our dogs.

But fate is not kind to her again. Bumblebee had been scratching his ear a lot for some time, all the vets dismissed it by giving him ear drops but nothing changed. Thanks to great financial support, we were able to take her to the veterinary clinic for a CT scan. Unfortunately, it turned out that she had an ear polyp. Unfortunately very aggressive and scattering. He has to get out, that much is clear. It could also be cancer, but that will only become clear on the day of the operation.

We would be very happy to receive support with the surgical costs. It is estimated at €1200 which is simply a huge sum for us. We want to do everything possible for our animals and a cat like Bumblebee, who has such a dramatic story behind him, deserves to be able to continue living happily and pain-free. Bumblebee will be available soon.

Sponsorship for Bumblebee

Personal Info

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Donation Total: 100€


Our little girl would also be happy about a sponsorship. Girleen (Gaelic for 'little girl') was found by us on the street. Her tail had been docked by hand very freshly and very clumsily. She was bleeding heavily and so we took her straight to the vet.

She was not chipped and therefore not registered. Nobody missed her and so she stayed with us as a permanent member of our pack. She is now 16 years old, can no longer hear or see so well and needs close care. We would be very happy about a sponsorship for her in order to make everything possible for her in her old age. She so deserves it.

Sponsorship for girls

Personal Info

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Donation Total: 100€


He is a very gentle donkey who always tries to make sure everyone gets along. Unfortunately, we don't know his exact age because he was probably kept very poorly for a long time or was left to fend for himself. Lennard is happy to have a sponsor who ensures that he can live happily and healthily on the farm.

Sponsorship for Lennard

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.



Molly represents all of our donkeys, ponies and horses on the farm. They all have a terrible story behind them and are spending their carefree retirement with us. We would be very happy about sponsorships or a donation for hay.

Sponsorship for Molly

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Our stray horses

There are an estimated 40,000 abandoned and homeless horses, ponies, donkeys and mules living in Ireland. The harsh Irish climate makes it almost impossible for the animals to find food all year round. Medical care, which many of them were used to in human hands, is also no longer available, as is regular hoof care. In addition, these horse breeds are absolutely unsuitable for this way of life, which is why some simply cannot make the change and die. Since no one officially feels responsible, we see ourselves as responsible here too.

We currently care for 4-6 herds that live around our sanctuary. Any support is just great.

Sponsorship for ponies

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Our pony Bosko

Bosko is one of our ponies who lives permanently on the station.
Bosko's story is very sad. He comes from a traveling circus that moved on without him and was then picked up without an owner. Severely traumatized, he repeatedly performed and performed tricks in the rescue where he was housed and showed completely abnormal behavior. He couldn't cope there and so we were asked to take him on. Normal feeding was not possible because in the beginning he was constantly fulfilling his supposed obligation as an entertainer and did not know any natural behavior. That was some time ago and now he has arrived and can just be a pony with us. And he is really magical and sweet. Bosko would be very happy about sponsors so that his home and his care can be secured with us.

Sponsorship for Bosko

Personal Info

Please transfer your donation to the account:

Kristiane Schott
Bank of Ireland Scariff
IBAN: IE02BOFI90441310777841
Subject: "Donation - Irish Farm of Hope"

We will be happy to issue you a donation receipt for the amount you have contributed. Since we are a non-profit and registered association, you can submit this to your taxes.


Donation Total: 100€

IRISH FARM OF HOPE - County Galway Western Ireland
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